We have received similar questions from other users who are unable to receive OKCoinJapan emails.
If you have this problem, it is possible that you have set your mailbox to refuse to receive emails from OKCoinJapan.Please specify the following domain name and try to receive emails again.
■OKCoinJapan's domain name information
*Please check with the provider of the service as there are various methods of receiving e-mails.
[Other reasons than the above]
① Categorized as spam
It is possible that OKCoinJapan's emails are automatically categorized as spam.
Please check if the emails are in the spam mailbox and change the spam mailbox setting.
*If you are using Gmail, please check if the emails are categorized in the "Promotion tab".
② Set as rejected emails
If you have set your mailbox to reject certain types of emails, you may not receive emails from OKCoinJapan.
You need to set your mailbox to reject specific senders or specify that you want to receive emails from the OKCoinJapan domain.
*Even if you have not set your mailbox to reject such emails, your mailbox operator may have automatically set your mailbox to reject such emails to prevent suspicious emails.
③ The e-mail address you entered in the Contact Us form is different from the one you registered.
After we receive your inquiry, we will send an email to the email address you entered to notify you of your inquiry.
If you cannot confirm receipt of the above email by checking your junk mail folder, please contact our customer support team using the Contact Us form.
④Registration procedures have not yet been completed
There is a possibility that you have not yet set up your email address and password.
Please click here to apply for an OKCoinJapan account.
⑤ The communication environment is poor.
Please make sure that the communication conditions are good and that the communication mode is not set to "Airplane Mode".
⑥ There is not enough space in the mailbox.
If there is not enough free space in your mailbox (inbox), please make sure there is enough free space.
Please note that the method of setting up permission to receive e-mails differs depending on the carrier you are using.
Please contact your carrier for more information.